

International outreach is a part of who we are. We partner with different organizations abroad to help support and provide resources to spread HOPE across the globe. One of our long term outreaches has been in Nicaragua. 


While our staff was there, they were also able to spend time with students in the community by playing soccer, exploring the countryside with youth, and having gatherings to sing music and spend time together. Our team was also able to meet with locals that are leading these initiatives to plan more ways we can continue to bring HOPE to the people of Nicaragua and how we can help make a difference. 


Two of our staff memebers were able to travel this year to Nicaragua to see firsthand the impact and progress that is being made to help the local community. The initiative in Nicaragua includes growing food to produce locally grown resources. There are two greenhouses that have already been planted with 600 tomato plants, 600 sweet pepper plants, and a third greenhouse that is experimenting with a variety of 20 different vegetables to see what else may thrive in the tropical climate. There are 3 feeding centers that have provided 72,612 meals to date in the families in need in the community. 


 If you would like to help us spread HOPE not only at home, but across the globe, DONATE donate today! 

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