

The new year has started off right with new projects, big dreams, and a lot of fun at The Hope Center. There is a universal understanding that the new year is a time to set new goals and plan ahead, and that is exactly what we have been doing in 2024. 

Housing Initiative Special Project

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Our first new project this year was assisting one of the families in our community with their dire living situation. A mother with 5 children who has experienced many extreme housing issues in the past, including a home catching on fire and another home being destroyed by an F4 tornado, has been living in a house that had serious damage and needed major repairs. Together with our partners from Unity Baptist Church, we were able to make quick  repairs to improve their living conditions. Gutting and renovating the bathroom, deep cleaning the kitchen, repairing floors and bedroom makeovers, in just a few days the teams were able to work together and drastically make a difference. Having a safe and sanitary place to live has a direct impact on people’s mental and emotional health which effects their ability to strive in their environment. These special projects can have a huge impact and help to improve quality of life. 

Learn more about our Housing Initiatives and ways that you can be a part of transforming communities by building strong families and safe, sanitary, and sustainable neighborhoods. GET INVOLVED or DONATE today!

We’ve started the year at The Hope Center with new games, fun art projects, good snacks, and a lot of outdoor time. We have a lot of big dreams for The Hope Center and our Mentorship Program this year. Seeing our students grow, learn new things, and take on new challenges is what makes every year truly inspiring and we are excited to see that continue in 2024!


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