
Extreme Makeover

In the community of “Cole Town” in the historic district of Newnan, Georgia there are many needs for housing initiatives and other aid for numerous underserved families. One specific situation came to our attention this summer that inspired us to take action.

A mother and father of 8 with another child on the way were living in a one bedroom house with very limited furniture and supplies for the needs of the family. The house itself was in desperate need of repairs and cleaning. Our goal was to help the family in a way that would equip, inspire, and empower them to have hope and comfort in their environment.


With volunteers from all over the community, we came together to accomplish our version of an EXTREME Makeover – Newnan edition. The best part was that it was a SURPRISE! One group of volunteers took the mother and children out for a day of fun while the father was at work and with the help of an extended family member in the community, we were able to use this day to make some BIG changes. With another group of volunteers, we got to work cleaning, repairing, and organizing. We were able to make a huge impact! Through various donations we were also able to provide the family with beds for everyone in the house, living room furniture, a kitchen table, a washer and dryer, a window unit for air conditioning, and other small furniture items. We were also able to provide new wardrobes for the kids for school, a backpack for each child full of school supplies, and a pantry full of groceries. With just one day of hard work and labor, we were able to come together as a group to provide practical help to a family that needed to know that HOPE is alive in our community and when we come together to help, there is nothing we cannot accomplish.


Please check out this video to see the progress of the day and the families reaction! If you would like to get involved in programs like these in the future or would like more information on other ways to get involved, please contact us through our volunteer page.

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