
a Trip To The Zoo

Spring Break is a great time for us to be able to take kids on new adventures and enjoy some outdoor therapy. This spring break we were able to take a group of students to the Atlanta Zoo. This was the first time any of these kids have been to the zoo and it was a magical experience. Seeing the elephants, gorillas, lions, pandas and more was a blast for the students. For us,  seeing the smiles on their faces were even better. We are always grateful for these special student outings and hope to take more kids to the zoo and other adventures this year. Sometimes, all it takes is a new experience to spark a new passion which can lead to a new future, a future filled with HOPE, and that is why we will continue to try new things together. 

If you would like to be a part of helping provide opportunities for kids to have new experiences and to GET OUTDOORS,  GET INVOLVED or DONATE today!

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